Policy Articles and Op-Eds:
Taula rodona sobre les eleccions presidencials de 2024.
Entrevista en Público sobre las elecciones en Estados Unidos, Octubre 2024. En català aquí.
Taula rodona sobre les eleccions presidencials de 2024.
Entrevista en Público sobre las elecciones en Estados Unidos, Octubre 2024. En català aquí.
Las guerras de los otros: ¿cómo nos afectan políticamente? Piedras de Papel, 31 de Octubre de 2023 (con Juan F. Tellez y Francisco Villamil)
The Impact of Distant Wars on Nationalism: Lessons from Spain. Journal of Politics Blog, October 2023 (with Juan F. Tellez and Francisco Villamil).
Las consecuencias de cambiar el callejero franquista. Piedras de Papel - El Diario.es, 11 November 2021 (with Francisco Villamil) [in Spanish].
El rey, ¿institución neutral o de parte?, Agenda Pública, 27 July 2021 (with Francesc Amat) [in Spanish].
Referéndums: un experimento y una propuesta de votos secuenciales, Piedras de Papel- El Diario. es, 28 June 2021 (with Francesc Amat) [in Spanish].
Un impàs potencialment explosiu, Diari Ara, 4 November 2020 [in Catalan & Spanish].
Chileans vote this weekend whether to rewrite the Pinochet-era constitution. The Monkey Cage/Washington Post, October 22nd 2020.
Genera polarización hablar de pasados conflictivos? Piedras de Papel- El Diario.es, 19 September 2020 (with Elsa Voytas and Valeria Palanza) [in Spanish].
Anem cap a una guerra civil als Estats Units?, Diari Ara, 5 June 2020 [in Catalan].
A Way Out of Spain’s Catalan Crisis. And Why Madrid Is Unlikely to Take It, Foreign Affairs, November 27th, 2019.
Polarització i Consens a Catalunya / Polarización y Consenso en Catalunya, El Món de Demà, La Vanguardia, March 2019 [in Catalan & Spanish].
Seeing Like Combatants: How New Data from Conflict Archives are Transforming Conflict Studies, Political Violence at a Glance, December 20th 2018 (with Christopher Sullivan).
El curriculum d'Elsa Artadi, Diari Ara, February 12th, 2018 [in Catalan & Spanish].
Catalonia will vote tomorrow. None of the 3 possible outcomes looks very stable. The Monkey Cage/Washington Post, December 20th, 2017 (with José Fernández-Albertos).
Violencia y Poder, El Periódico de Catalunya, September 27th 2017. [In Catalan & Spanish]
Half a million marched this weekend in Barcelona. Do terror attacks make people more politically engaged?, The Monkey Cage/Washington Post, August 28th, 2017 (with Gerard Torrats-Espinosa).
Els efectes polítics del terrorisme. Diari Ara, 23 August 2017 (with Gerard Torrats-Espinosa) [in Catalan].
Emocions instrumentals i el vot a Donald Trump. Diari Ara, 15 November 2016 [in Catalan].
Does Segregation Work to Prevent Ethnic Violence? Not in Northern Ireland. Political Violence at a Glance. November 30th 2015 (with Abel Escriba-Folch and Lesley-Ann Daniels).
Bridging levels of analysis in the study of conflict, The Monkey Cage/Washington Post, January 26th, 2015.
How should we count the death in Syria?, The Monkey Cage/Washington Post, May 1st 2014 (with Lionel Beehner and Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl). Reprinted at Syria and the Islamic State, edited by Marc Lynch. Washington, DC: POMEPS
The Political Science of Syria's War (by March Lynch), Foreign Policy, December 19th 2013.
Endgame in Syria? Foreign Policy, December 19th 2012 (with Stathis N. Kalyvas).
Contradiccions, silencis i lleis, Diari Ara, 4 January 2013 (pdf)
Letonia, Catalonia, i els limits de l'impossible, Diari Ara, 18 September 2013 (pdf)
2012 Catalonia post-Elections Report, The Monkey Cage, 28 November 2012.
2012 Catalonia pre-Elections Report, The Monkey Cage, 14 November 2012.
Press Mentions:
Diari Ara mentions Balcells (2012) article.
Interview with Parlem (in Catalan).
Interview with EFE, published in La Vanguardia, about my book Rivalidad y Venganza.
Review of Rivalry and Revenge at Nada es Gratis.
The Monkey Cage-Washington Post mentions Balcells, Palanza and Voytas (2020) article.
Piedras de Papel (Eldiario.es) mentions Balcells and Torrats-Espinosa (2018) article.
FD mentions Balcells and Torrats-Espinosa (2018) PNAS article.
Commentary in The New York Times on VOX, the new far-right party in Spain.
El Pais mentions Balcells (2017) book.
The Print op-ed features Balcells and Torrats-Espinosa (2018) PNAS article.
Daily Kos mentions Balcells and Torrats-Espinosa (2018) PNAS article.
El Mostrador op-ed features Balcells, Palanza, and Voytas (2018) working paper.
Political Violence at a Glance blog post features Balcells (2017) book
Política y venganza, los patrones de la violencia en la guerra civil. Cordopolis features Balcells (2017) book.
Al-Jazeera cites Kalyvas and Balcells (2015) POMEPS piece.
Atlantic Community on the Balcells and Kalyvas (2014) piece
New York Times on the Harry Frank Guggenheim research grants (2011)
Foreign Policy on the Kalyvas and Balcells (2010) piece
Abu Muqawama on the Kalyvas and Balcells (2010) piece
The Smoked-Filled Room on the Kalyvas and Balcells (2010) piece
What's the problem with (Spanish) Catalunya? (by Acemoglu and Robinson), Why Nations Fail blog, on the Balcells 2013 piece
Was hält Staaten zusammen? (by Gerald Braunberger), Frankfurter Allgemeine, on the Balcells 2013 piece
¿Qué puede españolizar, ministro Wert? (by María José Hierro) cites the Balcells 2013 piece
Other Dissemination:
"La Crisi Europea" Revist Espill, Núm. 50. Tardor 2015.
"Redistribution and Regional Independence Movements." APSA-Comparative Politics Newsletter. Volume 24, Issue II, Fall. (pdf1, pdf2, pdf3)
"The Historical and Political Determinants of Support for Catalan Independence" Presentation at the CES-Harvard roundtable on Catalonia and the Constitutional Crisis in Spain on 7 March 2013. Also presented in roundtables at the Catalan Institute of America (21 April 2013) and at Georgetown University (23 April 2013). Updated presentation at the ASN Conference, Columbia University April 2014. Even more updated presentation at the London School of Economics, on January 2018, and at Duke University in November 2018.
Balcells, Laia. 2013. "Opening the black box of secessionism" Transfer: journal of contemporary culture 8: 49-51 [pdf]
Sporadic collaborations with Spanish and Catalan newspapers: ARA, El Periódico de Catalunya, Nació Digital.
Radio and TV:
Interview in Catalunya Ràdio about US Universities (2024) [in Catalan]
Interview at RAC1 radio about the US elections (2020) [in Catalan]
Interview at RAC1 radio about the US elections (2020) [in Catalan]
Debate in Catalan TV (TV3) about the US elections (2020) [in Catalan]
Interview at Cadena SER about the US elections (2020) [in Catalan]
Interview at VOTV about the US elections (2020) [in Catalan]
Interview at VOTV [in Catalan]
Interview at Exterior magazine
Podcast about Polarization at El Pati Descobert [in Catalan]
Sporadic commentator for Al-Jazeera English.